11 Years of Transforming Health Solutions

About Jammu & Kashmir

The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir has three geographical zones (i) Sub-mountain and semi-mountain plain, (ii) the Shivalik ranges, and (iii) the high mountain zone. To counter emerging local challenges in immunization in the UT, MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity, a project funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) worked with the state government. State-specific challenges included vaccine hesitancy among communities that were economically and educationally underserved, a difficult terrain, and a lack of community ownership of vaccination programs. The project team determinedly addressed these barriers by providing accurate information on COVID-19 vaccination, mobilizing local health actors such as medical doctors, health workers, and ANMs for vaccinating priority groups, and engaging community and faith leaders in vaccination awareness efforts

Sub-Awardees Working in Jammu and Kashmir

The project activities were implemented in 10 districts through 3 sub-awardees: TCIF, HelpAge India, Sewa Bharti

Key strategies adapted by UT

To increase the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination, the project supports the Government of India and the state Government in vaccination planning, inter-departmental coordination, need-based monitoring, enhanced community engagement, and prioritization of activities for COVID-19 vaccination programs at the state and district. The team led risk communication activities with the state officials and coordinated efforts to enhance vaccination in low-coverage areas.


Working with community leaders and change agents.

The project built the capacity of community leaders and change agents to combat rumours and false information about the COVID-19 vaccine to promote community ownership.


Engaging students with disabilities.

The project collaborated with state-run schools for the Deaf and Dumb to raise awareness of immunization among students and held vaccination drives at the schools.


Leveraging special days.

The project conducted demand generation and awareness activities during special days like World Immunization Week, World Health Day, and International Women's Day to address vaccination resistance among priority groups and promote vaccination with the aid of community-based immunization stakeholders.


Mobilizing vulnerable populations.

The project worked closely with community leaders, shikara boat owners’ associations, youth group leaders, faith-based organizations in areas where people are reluctant to receive immunizations.

Empowering Health, Bridging Equity: Vaccinating India's Future

The strategic intervention of the project has been captured through strategic documentation of the key interventions of the project. The stories below highlight the same:

The video documentation covers the major interventions of the project.

Partnerships & Learnings

Learning & Experience Sharing Meeting

A Learning and Experience-Sharing Workshop was organized under the guidance of the state government where sub-awardee SEWA Bharti presented their work and shared their experiences and learnings from the project. The workshop was held on June 22 in Srinagar, J&K, and witnessed key stakeholders such as senior government officials such as the Secretary-Health, J&K, Assistant Director- Family Welfare, MCH & Immunization; and DC, Srinagar; JSIPL, and sub-awardees. During the meeting, the project team encouraged discussions on the adaptation of COVID-19 vaccination learnings for routine immunization strengthening.

Several communication materials such as photographs and videos focused on COVID-19 vaccination of the marginalized and vulnerable population were shared. A strong message was circulated – “Vaccine lagwaye, sehatmand rahe” (get vaccinated, stay healthy).