11 Years of Transforming Health Solutions

About Ladakh

In Ladakh, the Union Territory, the diverse geographical landscape is characterized by three prominent zones: (i) Sub-mountain and semi-mountain plain, (ii) the majestic peaks of the Himalayas, and (iii) the high mountain zone. In response to emerging challenges in immunization, the MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project, generously funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), collaborated closely with the local government. Ladakh faced unique challenges, including vaccine hesitancy within economically and educationally underserved communities, navigating challenging terrains, and a perceived lack of community ownership of vaccination initiatives. Undeterred, the project team diligently tackled these hurdles by disseminating accurate information regarding COVID-19 vaccination, mobilizing local health professionals such as medical practitioners, health workers, and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) for prioritized vaccination efforts, and actively involving community and faith leaders to raise awareness about the importance of vaccination.

Sub-Awardees of Ladakh

The project activities were implemented in 2 districts through 2 sub-awardees: TCIF, Sewa Bharti

Key strategies adapted by UT

To increase the uptake of COVID-19 vaccination, the project supports the Government of India and the state Government in vaccination planning, inter-departmental coordination, need-based monitoring, enhanced community engagement, and prioritization of activities for COVID-19 vaccination programs at the state and district. The team led risk communication activities with the state officials and coordinated efforts to enhance vaccination in low-coverage areas.


Working with community leaders and change agents

The project built the capacity of community leaders and change agents to combat rumours and false information about the COVID-19 vaccine to promote community ownership.


Leveraging local festivals

The project leveraged the local festival and conducted demand generation activities like a signature campaign, integrating the COVID-19 vaccination messaging into the cultural musical performance.


Utilizing special days

The project conducted demand generation and awareness activities during special days like World Immunization Week, World Health Day, and International Women's Day to address vaccination resistance among priority groups and promote vaccination with community-based immunization stakeholders.


Reaching out to hard-to-reach areas

The project team along with the government teams reached out to the most hard-to-reach areas with COVID-19 vaccination, especially in areas where people are reluctant to receive vaccination.

Empowering Health, Bridging Equity: Vaccinating India's Future

The strategic intervention of the project has been captured through strategic documentation of the key interventions. The stories below highlight the same:

The video documentation covers the major interventions of the project.

Partnerships & Learnings

Learning & Experience Sharing Meeting

A Learning and Experience-Sharing Workshop was organized under the guidance of the state government where sub-awardee SEWA Bharti. The meeting focused on sharing the learnings and experiences of the program. The meeting was attended by senior government officials and other immunization partners. Dissemination of M-RITE implementation learning and sharing experience, program implementation, and state support. The knowledge-sharing and cross-learning experience was a great eye-opener for the attendees and imparted valuable lessons for the future roll-out of Routine Immunization. The key takeaway of the workshop was that the experience of reaching out to the most vulnerable populations, such as people with disability, can be utilized for strengthening other ongoing national health programs like Routine Immunization