11 Years of Transforming Health Solutions

about jsi

Strengthening the family planning program and its capacities at all levels of the health system to better serve women and their families

Family planning saves lives and empowers women to improve their family’s health, education, and financial stability. JSIPL works with governments, NGOs and private sector partners to overcome challenges facing adolescent girls, women and men in accessing family planning services, including lack of complete and accurate information, inadequate facilities, limited access, restrictive policies and supply chain bottlenecks.

The Approach


Working under the RMNCH+A framework to identify and develop strategies and operational guidelines for effective implementation of innovative approaches related to family planning as a inherent part of maternal and child survival.


Strengthening local capacities by training health workers in updated approaches to family planning counseling and introducing/promoting contraceptive technologies.


Working with the public and private sectors to promote contraceptive security to enable people to choose, obtain and use high-quality contraceptives.


Advocating for policies and designing systems to foster the integration of family planning with other essential health services such as postpartum care, immunization, WASH, and HIV prevention and care.


Identifying, reviewing, and advocating for successful service delivery approaches and best practices to be scaled up through the RMNCH+A strategy.

Recording Impact


Collaborating with MoHFW to create “Key Performance and Quality Indicators for High Impact RMNCH+A Interventions” and delivering them at scale.


Streamlining clinical services and efficiency by delivering commodities to remote health posts.


Helping governments and partners gather and use data to improve family planning performance.


Establishing sound partnerships with the National Neonatology Forum, Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Indian Medical Association, and Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India for improved family planning services.

Flagship Projects

JSI implements a BMGF supported family planning project focused on social marketing of contraceptives and provided Technical Assistance to Government of India on strengthening the social marketing strategy.

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Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP)

The MCHIP was USAID’s flagship program that was implemented in India from 2009–2014. Using data- driven approaches, it supported capacity building and health systems development to take MCH interventions to scale.