11 Years of Transforming Health Solutions

about jsi

Contributing with technical support, evidence, technology, and capacity building at the national and state level

JSIPL is a key partner of the Government of India in managing large and complex projects in routine immunization (RI). This includes strengthening RI systems, rolling-out new vaccines, and supporting the government in scaling-up COVID-19 vaccination. Sustainable immunization programs are built and integrated with other services to improve reach and optimize resources.

JSIPL strives to introduce measures and metrics for enhancing the immunization service while making recommendations to the Government for a people-centered service experience for immunization.

The Approach


Providing extensive technical support to national and state governments and drawing upon rich global experience to implement large scale, high impact projects in India.


Strengthening local ownership and quality of projects such as post-introduction evaluation of new vaccines and conducting national, state, and district immunization reviews.


Supporting MoHFW to strengthen RI programs in rural and urban areas to ensure all women and children have access to services.


Working extensively in urban settings to understand the demand for and barriers to access and use of health services.


Building capacities and establishing strong coalitions among civil society, private sector, and government health stakeholders by engaging with civic authorities in immunization systems for sustainable and equitable vaccinations for the urban poor.

Recording Impact


Addressing gaps in access to immunization services to build sustainable RI programs, including engaging communities in identifying and tracking newborns to reduce left-outs and drop-outs.


Nurturing innovations with initiatives that improve planning, service delivery, and data use through new technologies like RI dashboards.


Strengthening RI by developing strategic documents and guidelines to accelerate progress towards 90% full immunization coverage (FIC) and undertaking reviews of UIP and its components.


Supporting MoHFW in the rapid scale-up of Rotavirus vaccine (RVV) in 2019 across 25 states/UTs in just 100 days and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in 31 states/UTs in six months in 2021.


Designing and implementing the Regular Appraisal of Program Implementation in Districts (RAPID) approach, which was adopted and financed by the Government as an integral part of immunization program quality improvement.


Helping Government of India in multiple ways to scale up COVID vaccination, directly reaching over 35 million people.

Flagship Projects

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Rotavirus Vaccine Introduction

Since 2016, JSIPL has been helping strengthen RVV introduction into the RI system in all Indian states with technical support and oversight based on in-depth knowledge of local context and years of experience in new vaccine introduction (NVI) in many countries.

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Introduction

In 2021, GoI launched a nationwide expansion of PCV under the UIP. As the lead technical partner, JSIPL provided technical support to national and state governments to ensure smooth PCV implementation within planned timelines. It integrated the vaccine into the country’s RI program while building capacity for its introduction in 14 states.

Immunization Technical Support Unit

The Immunization Technical Support Unit (ITSU) acts as the nerve centre and provides techno-managerial support to MoHFW for scaling up UIP, enabling systems strengthening and implementing a Multi-Year Strategic Plan for Immunization and rolling-out interventions, keeping equity and quality as its basic tenets.

Momentum Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity (M-RITE)

Under a USAID grant, JSIPL provides technical assistance to GoI and state governments to ramp up COVID-19 vaccination across cities and far-flung areas as part of the M-RITE project. It looks at the supply chain, technology support, last-mile delivery, micro-planning, demand generation, data analysis, and workforce expansion.

COVID-19 Support

As part of JSIPL’s efforts to strengthen health systems to respond to pandemics, the COVID-19 support project provides timely support to MoHFW in vaccination roll-out besides undertaking preparedness planning, infection prevention, supply procurement, and supply chain management.

Urban Immunization Project

The Urban Immunization project aims at strengthening the overall urban health system with an emphasis on immunization services among vulnerable populations residing in these areas. The project invests in integrating and converging with other ongoing national programs that expand and enhance immunization service delivery in an evolving urban sphere.